Beginning Instuments

Disclaimer on Iframe webpage below…

The content below is from and is a 3rd party page…but it has really good information not to share it.   However, IT IS NOT intended at all for instrument sales/purchases and we are not necessarily promoting the instrument choices they recommend.  Most of them are unavailable when you click on them anyway.  Please see your director if you have any questions on instrument choice.   This site should be used more for exploring the instruments, what they are about, how they work, and how they sound. There are also some good resources within the Articles of Information section.

Keep in mind that the band Instruments we begin at Nord are:  Flute, Clarinet, Alto Sax, Trumpet, Trombone, and Percussion.  Other Wind Instruments can be made available. However, they may carry some other requirements such as private lessons.

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Learn about the different instrument, how they work, and how they sound!

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